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    Saturday 28 October 2017

    What is andropause | andropause symptoms age

    Male master hormone are called Testosterone Hormone. When a male guy reach at puberty period then will face new internal and external sign and symptoms like tune change ,more emotion are coming and body muscle are increasing some hairy are growing in his chest and beard are growing and libido (to do sex) feeling are coming in his mind ,These all kind of symptoms are controls  and responsible testosterone hormone 

    If we deeply seen (recollect?observed)a male life cycle than we notice some point ,Example when a male guy reach at puberty stage(16-17)years age than we can see some changes are coming his body,we see some external changes like some hairy are growing at face and chest and someone body muscle are increased and tune are changes.More emotion are coming at this stare ,This stage very 
    important stage of a guy ,This stage he have more exciting and courageous that he can do any risk jobs,So every parents and self guy should controls this stage very pragmatic and intelligently.

    All feeling and changes are came by Naturally with the help of Testosterone master hormone ,  But my main emphasis  is :At around 20 years of age this testosterone reached at the peak point(Its vary male to male) and continue this level at age between(35-40)years age ,This stage are called stationary stage ,After (35-40)years this testosterone level slowly and this guy(male) fallen various Bio- physiological  problem and this is the my main point , Andropause are coming,whos are fallen this problem than he  get the signal that his body unable to produce more testosterone or loosening testosterone  generate ability.

    Andropause Symptoms-This are the common symptoms as follows-

    1. Concentration failure 
    2. Sleepiness disorder
    3. Forgetfullness
    4. hotflastes
    5. Shin atrophy
    6. Loss of libido(Unwilling to do sex?losses sexual desire) 
    7. Someone may risk highblood pressure 
    8. Risk of Diabetes
    9. Osteoporosis (Erosion of calcium from bone/bone mass) 
    10. Anxiety/Depression are common symptoms

    How can we recover this stage i write this another post another day

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