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    Tuesday 21 November 2017

    What is aids | Aids definition | Symptoms of Aids | HIV | precaution to avoid HIV

    AIDS is meaning of Acquired immunodeficiency Syndrome .i,e it is the results or symptoms that are seen in human body when HIV virus are attacked or inter human body (blood circulation system).
    HIV virus mainly attacked human body immune system,(Immune system means body auto protecting system what we get by inheritances naturally.Later i details describe immune systems on my another post ,now i shortly again say ,Every living mater has his own immune system to protect or defense the body from harmful pathogen,

    We every moment attacked various pathogen we cant see them because this microorganisms are so microscopic that we cant see them with only eyes even normal microscope ,they are only seen on electronic microscope,Most dangerous and ultra microscopic organisms are -prion,veriod,mycoplasma,virus and bacteria and some fungi(microplant).
    Our body immune systems every moment fight against various pathogen ,Our body immune system some time defect and some time win when body immune system defect against pathogen then we see various symptoms.In our body immune system  R,B,C (RED BLOOD COR PULSE) are main fighter.

    HIV →→→Inter human body→→→→Destroyed immune system→→→→→Symptoms are visible or non visible causes (AIDS)

    HIV Virus mainly attack human immune systemand victim person make so vulnerable that his/her body cant fight against pathogen thats why its symptoms are called acquired immunodefficiency syndrome.

    HIV virus mainly transmitted are as follows 

    1. Blood transmission
    2. Semen (male-when intercourse with female)
    3. Vaginal fluid(secretion from female vagina)
    4. Breast milk.
    When this virus attacked a human body ,its mainly attack T-cells(cd-4) in body immune system.Hiv is a retro virus that infects 
    the vital organs cells of the human immune system.

    we know this virus first host chimpanzee,and we also know that this virus or first aids patient were identified a sailor on a Brazilian ship .
    Main reasons to infected this virus are unprotected sex.

    Sexual activity like contacts or intercourse are main transmission  process to one person infected person to another persons.
    Blood transmission process are another main reason to transmitted this virus from infected persons to another non infected person.
    parental transmission is another process   to transmitted this virus from infected female to her infant baby(if female are infected this virus and birth a baby than this baby are infected this dangarous virus (both inheritance and feeding milk).

    HIV symptoms - What type symptom we seen in a victim/infected (Hiv infected) persons are all symptoms are visible and causes(main responsible) by others microorganisms .

    If we clearly say that HIV attacks human body immune system and at this time other microorganism (pathogen) can easily infected our body parts and damage body essential /vital organs  body immune system cant fight against this harmful pathogen and we fallen serious life threaten problem.

    HIV Symptoms -
    1. Fever
    2. Joint paint 
    3. Sore throats 
    4. Night sweating 
    5. Enlarge glands
    6. A red rash
    7. Tiredness
    8. Weakness
    9. Rapidly Weight loss.
    10. And more others symptoms we seen because this symptoms are shown various organisms activity.

    Aids symptoms are not seen same for all patient ,Main reasons every human body immune system are differ from one individual to another individual.Some time who's body immune system well but in the time attacked HIV virus this patient symptoms may disappear from few months to few years 

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