  • Breaking News


    Sunday 13 August 2017

    Pregnant |pregnancy period |pregnancy sign

    Pregnancy is the time/period during one or more offspring develops inside a women.
    pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or other assisted reproductive biotechnology,generally 99.99% of pregnancy is happened by human intercourse.


    When female menstruation cycle start.its seems to her that her body are ready to generate
    egg (i,e she is able to do sex)this time many bio physiological change are coming on a
    women body.when a man intercourse with a young women whos puberty stage were came
    and menstruation cycle are running and if her eggs are fertile and this fertile eggs are  waiting  for sperm.and sit on the top cysterian  wall of ovary and male sperm are coming through the Fallopian
    tube after that sperm fertilized the egg, its called zygote.this zygote (offspring)are rapidly developing inside a woman.Childbirth typically occurs around 40 weeks from the last menstrual period that the conceive month.This is just need nine lunar months to develop a spring fully developed .

    Pregnancy symptoms are as follows
    • Food aversion 
    • Mood swings
    • Abnormal bloating
    • Fatigue 
    • Light bleesding or spotting
    • Nausea and Vomiting 
    • Missed period
    • High basal body temperature
    • Sore breast
    • Regurgitation,heartburn 
    • Increased urinary frequency 
    • Breast tenderness is common symptom a pregnant women
    • Swollen veins at inside anal area
    • pregnancy related stretchmarks
    • Tiredness 
    • Constipation
    • Pelvic girdle pain

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