  • Breaking News


    Monday 4 September 2017

    What is high blood pressure | its sign | symptoms and medication/precaution

    High blood pressure is also we called hypertension.We have some ideas about our blood circulation process.our heart work as a pump motor and artery and vain are woks as channel/pipe.when the heart are pumping than blood are rapidly flowing the artery than wall get some pressure ,this pressure is called Blood pressure and this pressure are essential for our blood circulation process but its(blood pressure )are require a proper range.Blood pressure are vital Biological system/process in our body.
    High blood pressure

    When Blood pressure are over on our minimal range than its called High blood pressure ,Alternately when blood pressure less than proper range than its called Low Blood Pressure.

    High blood pressure are rarely noticeable ,we cant easily realized /identified that if we not take necessary step to maintain  blood pressure at a proper range and treated as soon as possible otherwise
    than it increase our risks of serious problems as like as heart attacks and strokes.
    We faced this problem at the origin of human species and still now and may face this problem in future ,This problem cant root out permanently but if  we take necessary step than we can minimize this problem. public awareness 

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