  • Breaking News


    Tuesday 10 October 2017

    Diarrhea | Its causes | sign and symptoms | How to treatment Diarrhea

    This disease are common disease in the world ,Every country people are fallen  /attacked this disease.
    Mostly Undeveloped country people are attacks more because Unhygienic condition  and illiteracy are main responsibility for this .Developed country people are also attacks or fallen this for there more drinking alcohol  habits and some others causes.


    How can  we identified that we are attacked Diarrhea causes pathogen ,This seems to silly question but not silly .When we filled are our stomach are cramping and need to go emergency bathroom and release watery or loose stool than we realized that we are attacked diarrhea pathogen.
    Some pathogen are immediately attacks or pathogen are release toxic matter on the food (contaminated food), when we eat  this contaminated food  than rapidly increase our bowl movement and we fills our belly are cramping ,But most pathogen when gone our stomach (intestine) and inflamed intestine are create bowl movement this process take some time .

    Various pathogen are responsible for this disease Like microorganism-Viriod,prion, mycoplasma ,Virus, Bacteria and some Fungi.
    Most diarrhea cases are main responsibility  virus ,Virus infect gut ,This virus also call intestine flu or stomach flu.\


    1. Cramps
    2. Bloating  belly 
    3. Loose or watery stools 
    4. Frequently bowel movement 
    5. Nausea and vomiting 
    6. loss body strength
    Symptoms in Acute/Severe condition
    1. Blood and mucus are go with stool
    2. Body energy transport system are break down and rapidly weight loss 
    3.  Abnormal Heart beat  ,Body temperature first time increase so fever are seen

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