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    Monday 23 October 2017

    Menopause | its causes |Symptoms and medication

    Menopause comes from, Menstruation-Meno and pauses mean-stop. Thats why we can say it easily when a women menstruation cycle are stoped and given her signal  to stop the ability to produce (mature egg/Ovum) child.That means she were gone at infertility stage .Its a natural process so we cant to hold this (exception -Some medicine can elongated this stage some years ,I say this details on my another post because i worked long time in this field of Netherlander based Multinational Pharmaceuticals )

    Causes of Menopause  - It is a natural process ,Only the God know
       why he given a short period of time to do sexual and birth          generation capability to a women ,But Men get slightly long time rather than a women.(I tel on another post Men -Andropause,Where a men lost her sexual and birth generation ability ).

    Symptoms of menopause- You can get details information about Menopause here


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